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Cafe Zara Lounge/Food Hub


29 Pepper Street
E14 9RP

Business type


Date of inspection

14 November 2023
If you wish to see the food safety officer’s report on which this rating is based, you can request this from the local authority that carried out the inspection. You can do this by sending an email to the address below. In some cases, the local authority may decide that they cannot send you a copy of the report but will let you know this and explain why.

What the business says

Compliance with food hygiene safety procedures

Officer select no to satisfactory on pest control we have update pest control. lest visit 5/10/23

Unnecessary mention cleanness of premises and equipment.

Compliance with structural requirements

3. The food kept in the hot holding unit was place shortly before the officer came to the shop,

hence the food was unable to reach the minimum temperature required. I mentioned this to the

officer but she refused to accept this.

6. The inspector stated on the paperwork that it was a counter top that was damaged but this is

incorrect as it was a shelf in the back storage shelf that was broken. This shelf had a box in the

shelf which was removed and take the photo. I stated this to the officer that this was a storage

shelf yet she wrote countertop. No food is made on the shelf it is used strictly for storage.

Confidence in management / control precedures

5. The officer wrote an additional point but was she had removed this as she was incorrect. She

stated that there was no sanitiser on site, but there was plenty of bottles in the storage cupboard.

She stated that the bottle that was in use was empty but after showing her there was clearly 1/4 a bottle remaining. Hence she removed the statement.

I believe this inspector was unfair and trying to put down my business. Some of her points were

unjust and unnecessary. I suspect that she had a vendetta against me. Hence, I refused to sign

the paperwork’s as I did not agree with her rating and judgement.

About comments made by the business

A business has the right to reply to its local authority about the food hygiene rating given. This means a business may draw attention to improvements made since the inspection and/or explain particular circumstances at the time of inspection that might have affected the rating the business was given. The comments made by the business have been reviewed and may have been edited by a local authority food safety officer so they fit the terms and conditions of this website but the accuracy of any statements made has not been verified.

Are you the business owner or manager?

If any information on this page is incorrect you can email the correct information to your local authority by using the email address below.

You can find out how to appeal against the rating given and find out about your right to reply. You can also ask for a re-inspection.

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Local Authority

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