Slim Chickens


The Mall Upper Level
Cribbs Causeway Regional Shopping Centre
South Gloucestershire
BS34 5DG

Business type


Date of inspection

21 May 2024
Standards found at the time of inspection
Area inspected by food safety officerStandards found
Hygienic food handling

Hygienic handling of food including preparation, cooking, re-heating, cooling and storage

Very good
Cleanliness and condition of facilities and building

Cleanliness and condition of facilities and building (including having appropriate layout, ventilation, hand washing facilities and pest control) to enable good food hygiene

Management of food safety

System or checks in place to ensure that food sold or served is safe to eat, evidence that staff know about food safety, and the food safety officer has confidence that standards will be maintained in future

If you wish to see the food safety officer’s report on which this rating is based, you can request this from the local authority that carried out the inspection. You can do this by sending an email to the address below. The local authority will consider your request and will usually send you a copy of the report. In some cases, the local authority may decide that they cannot do so but will let you know this and explain why.

Are you the business owner or manager?

If any information on this page is incorrect you can email the correct information to your local authority by using the email address below.

You can find out how to appeal against the rating given and find out about your right to reply. You can also ask for a re-inspection.

Display this rating on your website

We provide a selection of online food hygiene rating formats for use across websites, apps, social media and emails.

Local Authority

Name: South Gloucestershire
South Gloucestershire logo

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