White Lion
High Street
Isle Of Wight
PO38 2AT
Math o fusnes
Arolygiad diwethaf
Beth sydd gan y busnes i’w ddweud
- The establishment had been thoroughly cleaned and procedures in are in place to ensure that cleanliness is maintained.
- A new management system has been implemented.
- There is not a new manager and/or new staff.
- The staff have been trained/retrained/given instruction/are under revised supervisory arrangements.
The conditions found at the time of the inspection were not typical of the normal conditions maintained at the establishment arose because we unexpectedly lost our manager and head chef during the summer. We now have a new management team and head chef in place to ensure high standards are maintained.
New shelving, window seals replaced in kitchen, door and steps painted.
Rhagor o wybodaeth am sylwadau’r busnes
Ai chi yw perchennog neu reolwr y busnes?
Os oes unrhyw wybodaeth anghywir ar y dudalen hon, gallwch e-bostio’r wybodaeth gywir at eich awdurdod lleol drwy ddefnyddio’r cyfeiriad isod.
Gallwch gael gwybodaeth am sut i apelio yn erbyn y sgôr a roddwyd i chi a dysgu am eich hawl i ymateb. Gallwch hefyd ofyn am ail-arolygiad.
Arddangos y sgôr hon ar eich gwefan
Gallwch arddangos y sgôr hon ar eich gwefan.
Lawrlwytho Data
Data sgoriau hylendid y gellir ei ail-ddefnyddio
Problem gyda bwyd?
Gall defnyddwyr, busnesau a swyddogion gorfodi roi gwybod am broblemau
Newyddion diweddaraf
Yr wybodaeth ddiweddaraf dros e-bost a neges destun. Dilynwch ni